As a Gemini (and an identical twin), I feel the effects of Mercury in retrograde intensely. During this time I make it a point to really focus on being calm and not have a lot going on. In the past twelve years I have evolved much spiritually and have practiced meditation daily. This has greatly affected my life in the most positive way. Knowing that my true self is just housed in my body has opened a lot of doors into learning about the Universe and our connection to it. I don't know that I connect with the premise of reincarnation, but, I know that we have lived many lives on earth by choice. What I do know for sure, is that I am not coming back. Great article, as usual Bret. Thank you.

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Well, after you get to the next place, please send us a postcard.

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Another term for it is Re-existence.

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I'm on board with all of that. Similar to the book you mention, Dr. Michael Newton has two books, Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, on in-between-reincarnation periods. Fascinating.

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Excellent piece, Bret. Funny, I always say I don’t believe in reincarnation but I think it’s because I’m “done”. I know I’m not coming back, at least not to earth.

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Well, just go some place where you creative talents can be appreciated!

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Hello dere...

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