Well, fuck politics. There are enough hysterical bigots out there across the spectrum to eventually cancel themselves out and fade away like an old horse fart.
Well said, my friendcI am in total agreement. All we can do is speak our truth loudly and clearly, especilly since protesting here can get us deported.
Advice for those who find Bret's opinions not in lockstep with their own to be intolerable: 1) Unsubscribe sans lecture. 2) Start your own Substack, lecture all you want, and straighten out the world.
Dear Bret, you need not defend your views. Keep sharing them until the coming administration criminalizes free speech. And then, continue speaking your mind.
I don't mind dissenting views, they make for good discussions. But with writers who so closely mime the Mega propaganda, no such discussion can take place.
Keep exposing the corporate lies, deceptions, deflections and denials that masquerade as "progress", "innovation" and "self-fulfillment". Stay focussed on the truth, be it scientific or moral. We're all in this together whether we like it or not.
I'll never understand the rationality behind people who believe certain levels of censorship are appropriate. If you're a TV or movie celebrity, music icon, or sports personality, some say you should "stick to your lane" and not publicly express political views. Many who served in the military believe some political stances to be analogous to Treason. And in your case, if your ancestors struggled to come to this country at all, some say you should have no right to criticize it. There's a reason the right of free speech is contained within the First Amendment to the Constitution, and it seems obvious to me that a true patriot, even one who risks his or her life fighting in combat to protect our country, should believe that this fundamental right, and not some narrow nationalistic point of view, is the reason why the survival of our Democracy is so important and so precious. Furthermore, one does not validly criticize one's country casually, or merely out of spite, but rather as an expression of love for it, and a desire for improvement, a striving for a "more perfect Union." The fundamental problem today, as I see it, and especially with Republicans, is that they believe, without any facts or evidence, that they not only already have all the answers, but that everyone else should be forced to live in accordance to their views, regardless of whether they are valid, or appropriate based on our existence for the last 249 years as a pluralistic, constitutional, democratic republic.
Thank you for sharing your truth, Bret - and for noting how much this coming administration will impact HALF THE POPULATION (women!) to everyone's detriment. Until we acknowledge how interconnected we ALL are, misogyny will rule in this mans-mans-mans-mans world.
As Siskel and Ebert said of outstanding movies, "two thumbs up!" because two are all I have.
Jazz still warms my heart and makes my feet keep time. But all of me resonates to your thoughts about life, including politics but more than that. A wise, experienced person is always worth hearing from. Happy days to come, including the rest of today.
I thank you from my heart and soul. Your succinct recounting of liberal/left side politics is spot on. I am besides jazz lover since my teens, an amateur conquero, social activist since mid 60’s, and living on retirement benefits that I earned by working full time until 70. If I didn’t have a 15 year old son who lives with me(I still sub-teach part time) I would be in Mexico with you. I will, after canceling some other no longer wanted subscriptions become a paid subscriber and continue to enjoy both your sociopolitical and musical writing. Peace, love and aloha,
i love Mexico, when i was living in California i took my work breaks there often, i might come knocking on your door one day, some say i cook very well, it was my career for all of my working life, i also clean up!
Well, fuck politics. There are enough hysterical bigots out there across the spectrum to eventually cancel themselves out and fade away like an old horse fart.
A little Bird goes a long way.
Well said, my friendcI am in total agreement. All we can do is speak our truth loudly and clearly, especilly since protesting here can get us deported.
Advice for those who find Bret's opinions not in lockstep with their own to be intolerable: 1) Unsubscribe sans lecture. 2) Start your own Substack, lecture all you want, and straighten out the world.
Dear Bret, you need not defend your views. Keep sharing them until the coming administration criminalizes free speech. And then, continue speaking your mind.
I don't mind dissenting views, they make for good discussions. But with writers who so closely mime the Mega propaganda, no such discussion can take place.
Always look forward to reading your views on both jazz and the political situation. Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much for your continued support.
Keep exposing the corporate lies, deceptions, deflections and denials that masquerade as "progress", "innovation" and "self-fulfillment". Stay focussed on the truth, be it scientific or moral. We're all in this together whether we like it or not.
Yes, we must work together and stay focused.
thanks for speaking up and speaking out, Bret.
I'll never understand the rationality behind people who believe certain levels of censorship are appropriate. If you're a TV or movie celebrity, music icon, or sports personality, some say you should "stick to your lane" and not publicly express political views. Many who served in the military believe some political stances to be analogous to Treason. And in your case, if your ancestors struggled to come to this country at all, some say you should have no right to criticize it. There's a reason the right of free speech is contained within the First Amendment to the Constitution, and it seems obvious to me that a true patriot, even one who risks his or her life fighting in combat to protect our country, should believe that this fundamental right, and not some narrow nationalistic point of view, is the reason why the survival of our Democracy is so important and so precious. Furthermore, one does not validly criticize one's country casually, or merely out of spite, but rather as an expression of love for it, and a desire for improvement, a striving for a "more perfect Union." The fundamental problem today, as I see it, and especially with Republicans, is that they believe, without any facts or evidence, that they not only already have all the answers, but that everyone else should be forced to live in accordance to their views, regardless of whether they are valid, or appropriate based on our existence for the last 249 years as a pluralistic, constitutional, democratic republic.
Thank you for sharing your truth, Bret - and for noting how much this coming administration will impact HALF THE POPULATION (women!) to everyone's detriment. Until we acknowledge how interconnected we ALL are, misogyny will rule in this mans-mans-mans-mans world.
Good job, Bret, very well articulated. Sadly, it's a tough road defending our freedom and our dignity.
Fo sure. In the words of my mentor, Ben Hecht. I have no secrets. I only know one thing, how to keep going.
As Siskel and Ebert said of outstanding movies, "two thumbs up!" because two are all I have.
Jazz still warms my heart and makes my feet keep time. But all of me resonates to your thoughts about life, including politics but more than that. A wise, experienced person is always worth hearing from. Happy days to come, including the rest of today.
Greatly appreciate your kind words, George. They warm my heart.
I thank you from my heart and soul. Your succinct recounting of liberal/left side politics is spot on. I am besides jazz lover since my teens, an amateur conquero, social activist since mid 60’s, and living on retirement benefits that I earned by working full time until 70. If I didn’t have a 15 year old son who lives with me(I still sub-teach part time) I would be in Mexico with you. I will, after canceling some other no longer wanted subscriptions become a paid subscriber and continue to enjoy both your sociopolitical and musical writing. Peace, love and aloha,
Thanks so much for your kind words. Maybe one day we'll meet in Mexico!
i love Mexico, when i was living in California i took my work breaks there often, i might come knocking on your door one day, some say i cook very well, it was my career for all of my working life, i also clean up!