Retreating into silence, making the news of the bad world "go away," brings a person closer to despair and some even to suicide. "Nothing can be done," says one tramp to another in *Waiting for Godot*, a play in which frustration and powerlessness of (absurdly sub-)ordinary people appear to thwart their hope and expectation of a better future. Of course each person who reads or attends the play can respond freely based on their creeds and values. This is where most of Bret's readers live. I'll bet that most agree with him that anyone who wants liberty and justice for all, a "fair shot" (Biden's phrase) at a better future for everyone, will talk with their friends and neighbors, join movements, write their congressional, state and local leaders to do right for all. Where necessary, they'll work up petitions for fairer voting rules and get majorities to vote on certain issues, tough work in some states. But in recent years I've seen it work. Then there are courts, not all with judges appointed by rightists. Determination, willingness to work hard, active hope and faith in most of the citizenry to see reason will have to be stoked and encouraged by people of goodwill. Maybe someone will help by starting to sing, "We Shall Overcome" or "If We Only Have Love."
What an amazing essay! It doesn't need to be prophetic. It's accurate; simply true as written, Bret. Makes me want to say OW! But that doesn't nearly cover the kind of shit we're in at this moment in history.
We are at an inflection point, which may mark a decisive shift in the course of humanity, or the outcome of where we're headed. Let's talk in six months.
Interesting article, Bret - I'm pretty sure the Ruling Class existed long before the present Digital Age, but the disparity between Haves and Have-Nots is sure a lot more IN OUR FACES now, ain't it!? Freedom? Democracy? Humanity? Concepts that have already become weaponized and whose meanings have been corrupted already. I know some folks are disengaging from social media in an attempt to get distance from the nonstop BS - but I'm planning to keep an eye on it; I'm not sure my privacy is salvageable but I'd like to at least be aware of what nonsense the liars are trying to pull!?
It can't have been easy for you to write this. I'm cutting back on all my Substacks in sheer self-defence, but not this one. Your combination of music, and politics, and film, is hard to ignore. Thanks!
Herbert Schiller, not to mention Phillip Dick, saw all this coming...the title of one of Schiller's articles, "Computer Systems:For Whom and For What" said it all!
There are two simple things that everyone can do right now:
1. Put a VPN on your phone and computers. This hides your ISP location and makes it harder to be tracked, hacked, or surveilled. By whomever, be they criminals or government. (As if there were a difference. )
2. Use cash. Go to the ATM and take out the cash you need, rather than use a card. Why should "they" know what you spend your money on? Not only does using a card leave a trail to be mined by companies cultivating your business, but also your spending habits can easily be weaponized in the future, should any climate czars or LGBTQ compliance teams, for example, wish to do so.
For those wishing further guidance, especially on financial matters in present uncertain conditions, Catherine Austin Fitts is the real deal.
Retreating into silence, making the news of the bad world "go away," brings a person closer to despair and some even to suicide. "Nothing can be done," says one tramp to another in *Waiting for Godot*, a play in which frustration and powerlessness of (absurdly sub-)ordinary people appear to thwart their hope and expectation of a better future. Of course each person who reads or attends the play can respond freely based on their creeds and values. This is where most of Bret's readers live. I'll bet that most agree with him that anyone who wants liberty and justice for all, a "fair shot" (Biden's phrase) at a better future for everyone, will talk with their friends and neighbors, join movements, write their congressional, state and local leaders to do right for all. Where necessary, they'll work up petitions for fairer voting rules and get majorities to vote on certain issues, tough work in some states. But in recent years I've seen it work. Then there are courts, not all with judges appointed by rightists. Determination, willingness to work hard, active hope and faith in most of the citizenry to see reason will have to be stoked and encouraged by people of goodwill. Maybe someone will help by starting to sing, "We Shall Overcome" or "If We Only Have Love."
What an amazing essay! It doesn't need to be prophetic. It's accurate; simply true as written, Bret. Makes me want to say OW! But that doesn't nearly cover the kind of shit we're in at this moment in history.
We are at an inflection point, which may mark a decisive shift in the course of humanity, or the outcome of where we're headed. Let's talk in six months.
Shakespeare meets Philip K. Dick.
At Disneyland.
Excellent analysis, important topic!
Interesting article, Bret - I'm pretty sure the Ruling Class existed long before the present Digital Age, but the disparity between Haves and Have-Nots is sure a lot more IN OUR FACES now, ain't it!? Freedom? Democracy? Humanity? Concepts that have already become weaponized and whose meanings have been corrupted already. I know some folks are disengaging from social media in an attempt to get distance from the nonstop BS - but I'm planning to keep an eye on it; I'm not sure my privacy is salvageable but I'd like to at least be aware of what nonsense the liars are trying to pull!?
Well said, my amiga.
this is really an important piece which should be read far and wide or at least by those of us who can still look up from the screen
It can't have been easy for you to write this. I'm cutting back on all my Substacks in sheer self-defence, but not this one. Your combination of music, and politics, and film, is hard to ignore. Thanks!
Herbert Schiller, not to mention Phillip Dick, saw all this coming...the title of one of Schiller's articles, "Computer Systems:For Whom and For What" said it all!
There are two simple things that everyone can do right now:
1. Put a VPN on your phone and computers. This hides your ISP location and makes it harder to be tracked, hacked, or surveilled. By whomever, be they criminals or government. (As if there were a difference. )
2. Use cash. Go to the ATM and take out the cash you need, rather than use a card. Why should "they" know what you spend your money on? Not only does using a card leave a trail to be mined by companies cultivating your business, but also your spending habits can easily be weaponized in the future, should any climate czars or LGBTQ compliance teams, for example, wish to do so.
For those wishing further guidance, especially on financial matters in present uncertain conditions, Catherine Austin Fitts is the real deal.
Yes, I have a VPN, and only use cash. Hard to predict the future, but at this moment, I'm not optimistic.
I hear you.
Scary stuff! As you say it’s happening before our eyes. I fear for us and the next generations.
I look forward to your piece about the Fillmore East! My old stomping grounds! Stay well.
Great writing.
Thanks, Heidi. I'm not feeling terribly optimistic about where we're headed. I follow Mel Brooks here, I hope for the best but expect the worse.